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Artikel 89400

Fencing arch

Fencing arch made of hot-dip galvanised steel, width 150 cm, for direct cementing in the ground.

CHF 285.–
Artikel 89450

Fencing arch to protect trees

Fencing arch to protect the trees made of hot-dip galvanised steel, width 80 cm, for direct cementing in the ground.

CHF 190.–

Playground board Standard

Playground board Standard made of aluminium composite panel, with two or four symbols, digital print on white foil, covered with protective laminate.

ab CHF 100.–

Playground board Individual

Playground board Individual made of aluminium composite panel, with four or six symbols, format 320 x 440 mm, digital print on white foil, covered with protective laminate.

ab CHF 320.–
Artikel 95999

Playground board design of your choice

Playground board design of your choice, made of aluminium composite panel, with four symbols, format 320 x 440 mm, digital print on white foil, covered with protective laminate, standing model with hot-dip galvanised stand tube.

CHF 520.–
Bürli AG
Bürli Spiel- und Sportgeräte AG
Längmatt 1
CH-6212 St. Erhard
Telefon 041 925 14 00

Opening hours

Monday - Thursday:
07.30 – 12.00 / 13.15 – 17.00
07.30 – 12.00 / 13.15 – 16.30



Price in CHF
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