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Robinia wood

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Artikel 40680

Balancing bridge

Balancing bridge made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood, sanded, suspension devices made of stainless steel, mammoth ropes steel-reinforced.

CHF 1'695.–
Artikel 40682


Slackline made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood, sanded, with tensioning device and lashing strap in orange.

CHF 2'625.–

Slackline simple

Slack line made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood sanded, with black slack line band.

ab CHF 1'315.–
Artikel 40690

Balance beam rotatable

Balancing beam, rotatable, made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood, sanded, suspension devices made of stainless steel, mammoth ropes steel-reinforced.

CHF 1'725.–
Artikel 40695

Beam stairway

Beam stairway made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood sanded, including steel foot brackets for minimum installation depth of 60 cm.

CHF 1'165.–
Artikel 40700

Single chinning bar

Single chinning bar made of chemically untreated Robinia heartwood, sanded, with stainless steel horizontal bar.

CHF 735.–
Artikel 40710

Double chinning bar

Double chinning bar made of chemically untreated Robinia heartwood, sanded, with stainless steel horizontal bar.

CHF 1'110.–
Artikel 40750

Balancing beam

Balancing beam made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood, sanded.

CHF 690.–
Artikel 40760

Add-on balancing beam

Add-on balancing beam made of chemically untreated Robinia heartwood, sanded.

CHF 530.–
Artikel 40765

Balance beam

Balance beam made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood, sanded, three beams each 250 cm long, incl. steel foot brackets for minimum installation depth of 60 cm.

CHF 1'590.–

Climbing ramp

Climbing ramp made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood, sanded, suspension devices made of stainless steel, mammoth ropes steel-reinforced, plank wood made of raw Swiss larch.

ab CHF 2'250.–
Artikel 41210

Climbing net

Climbing net made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood, sanded, for mounting height 150 cm, suspension devices made of stainless steel, mammoth ropes steel-reinforced.

CHF 2'920.–

Saw stairway

Saw stairway made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood sanded, with steel-reinforced mammoth rope in red.

ab CHF 1'585.–
Artikel 41890


Minitower made of chemically untreated Robinia heartwood, sanded, balustrades made Swiss larch raw, pressure impregnated, platform height 90 cm, with rung access, minimum installation depth for natural fall protection 80 cm / synthetic 60 cm.

CHF 2'980.–
Artikel 41900

Playtower combination

Playtower combination made of chemically untreated Robinia heartwood, sanded, platform height 90 cm, with inclined ramp and slide made of polyester red/yellow.

CHF 5'430.–
Bürli AG
Bürli Spiel- und Sportgeräte AG
Längmatt 1
CH-6212 St. Erhard
Telefon 041 925 14 00

Opening hours

Monday - Thursday:
07.30 – 12.00 / 13.15 – 17.00
07.30 – 12.00 / 13.15 – 16.30



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