Balancing equipment
Balancing trail
Balancing trail with bollard made of hot-dip galvanised steel tube, plates made of plastic with Safe-Tec anti-slip surface, with balancing rope, strap bridge, jungle bridge, balancing beam, balancing bridge, floating beam and triangle made of balancing ropes, minimum installation depth 50 cm.
Balancing trail
Balancing trail with bollard made of hot-dip galvanised steel tube, plates made of plastic with Safe-Tec anti-slip surface, with balancing rope, balancing beam and balancing bar, minimum installation depth 50 cm.
Balancing bollard
Hot-dip galvanised tubular steel balancing bollard, plastic plates with Safe-Tec anti-slip surface, minimum installation depth 50 cm.
Balancing rope
Balancing rope made of hot-dip galvanised steel tube, ropes with steel inserts, minimum installation depth 50 cm.
Bud made of hot-dip galvanised tubular steel, polyethylene plate with anti-slip Safe-Tec surface, colour black, minimum installation depth 50 cm.
Slackline simple
Slack line made of hot-dip galvanised steel, polyethylene plate with Safe-Tec non-slip surface, including black slack line band, minimum installation depth 50 cm.
Slackline made of hot-dip galvanised steel tubing and additionally stove-enamelled in red, strap length 400 cm, with standing plate made of blue polyethylene, tensioning device with ratchet wheel, tensioning set straps orange, minimum installation depth 50 cm.
Slackline made of hot-dip galvanised tubular steel, strap length 400 cm, with standing plate made of blue polyethylene, tensioning device with ratchet wheel, tensioning set straps orange, minimum installation depth 50 cm.
Balance worm
Balance worm made of braided 4-sided rope, post made of hot-dip galvanised steel tube, with two hot-dip galvanised and in blue lacquered spiral springs, minimum installation depth 50 cm.
Balancing boat
Balancing boat made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood sanded, platform height 180 cm, with pent roof, rung ladder, sloping climb, twisted ladder, red/anthracite polyester slide and balancing obstacle course.
Balancing boat
Balancing boat made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood sanded, platform height 150 cm, with pent roof, rung ladder, sloping climb, twisted ladder, red/anthracite polyester slide and balancing obstacle course.
Balancing trail
Balancing trail made of hot-dip galvanised steel tubing, suspension devices made of stainless steel, mammoth ropes steel-reinforced, wooden elements made of chemically untreated Robinia heartwood, sanded.
Balancing trail
Balancing trail made of hot-dip galvanised steel tubing, suspension devices made of stainless steel, mammoth ropes steel-reinforced, wooden elements made of chemically untreated Robinia heartwood, sanded.
Balancing trail
Balancing trail made of hot-dip galvanised steel tubing, suspension devices made of stainless steel, mammoth ropes steel-reinforced, wooden elements made of chemically untreated Robinia heartwood, sanded.
Playtower combination steel/robinia
Playtower combination made of hot-dip galvanised tubular steel, with platform height 180 cm, with stainless steel slide, balancing trail, climbing pole and bent ladder, wooden elements made of chemically untreated sanded robinia heartwood, for minimum installation depth 60 cm.